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Popular science knowledge: origin of sacral nerve root stimulation

    Brindley, a famous British medical expert, has made great contributions to the reconstruction of bladder 

function after spinal cord injury. He had many years of experimental exploration from 1969-1977. In 1972, the first experiment was conducted to investigate the micturition of sacral (Sacarl) stimulation (intrathecal anterior root) of sacral nerve roots in animals. In 1976, first patients with spinal cord injury were treated with sacral

nerve root stimulation by Brindley, but the patient could not use the electrode to control urination (failure). 

1977 pause for a year. In 1978, 2 cases of clinical operation were performed, all of the 2 cases were completely successful. Up to 1992, more than 500 cases have been developed, most of which are epidural sacral nerve 

root electrodes. With the root excision deafferentation awareness and new understanding of the stimulation 

site, found in the epidural of sacral nerve root stimulation, the bladder responds in the same way, and the 

development of sacral epidural electrode, simple and safe operation. Brindley stimulated micturition in the 

world until 2000 has been carried out in more than 2 thousand cases, good effect, with sacral rhizotomy 

deafferentation, can fully meet the main goal of reconstruction of bladder function after spinal cord injury: the normal capacity of 1, the recovery of bladder, increase bladder compliance and recovery of low pressure urine storage function, in order to reduce the bladder ureteral reflux, protection of upper urinary tract; 2, reduce the residual urine volume, eliminate urinary tract infection; 3, reduce urinary incontinence; 4, not 5, the recovery of bladder catheter; can control urination.